20/21 - STEAM

Science, technology, engineering, art, and math!

In a given school day, the kids usually do one to two work pages a day, or twenty minutes of Prodigy Math. But they also had fun exploring STEM in real life, through baking and exchanging money, designing forts with their fort kit (like giant Tinkertoys!), putting together complex robotics kits, playing games, and perusing educational websites like Scratch, where they learned the basics of code. All the kids used a combination of different math curricula and online resources: IXL workbooks, Prodigy Math, mathisfun.com, and Chase began lessons using RightStart.

Some of their favorite STEM YouTube accounts have been Smarter Every Day, Mark Rober, Half-Asleep Chris, The Food Theorists, and CGP Grey. Art was pursued by all through painting and drawing. River wrote a short comic book story, and Austen learned how to weave and knit! And this giant fort kit the kids have is challenging; they are all better at it than I am. It takes some real engineering and problem-solving to get the rods placed correctly and line up!


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