21/22 - PE, Health & Safety, Field Trips

Physical Education, Health & Safety

All three kids took tennis lessons at the park down the street with Free Tennis 4 Kids.

We took countless walks and scooter rides, climbed trees, played tag, jumped rope, swam several times a week during the warm months, and other forms of exercise through outdoor play. 


We grew a vegetable garden during the summer of 2021. The kids learned about nutrition and how to eat a balanced diet, and what different food does in our bodies. River really loved making meals for the family this year!

Two fires on our street in the past few months sparked conversations about what to do in the event of a fire. The kids watched videos on fire safety on YouTube and we came up with a fire plan.

Field Trips

Visited a sunflower farm and the pumpkin patch during the fall


The Baltimore Zoo


Bethany Beach

Nixon Park Nature Park

Farm Day at Heritage Farms where the kids learned about shearing sheep for wool, making fiber arts, and harvested sunflower seeds that would be used to make natural dye for wool.

Perrydell Farms


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